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Spreading the warmth of Judaism to the 

Jewish Russian community Northwest of the GTA

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Our Rabbi and

Rabbi Avrohom grew up in New York City. His parents Rabbi Yakov and Sara Yusewitz have a home that is always with opened doors. Rabbi Yakov is a well-known expert in kosher supervision and works for the 'OK' kosher certification. Sara has been working in Jewish education for over 40 years.

Rabbi Avrohom studied in Yeshiva at Torat Emet in Jerusalem, Israel for 3 years and continued studying at the Central Chabad Yeshiva in Brooklyn NY, also known as the Rabbinical college of America, where he received his rabbinical ordination in 2018. 


Rochele Yuseweitz (nee Zaltzman), was born in Toronto where her parents Rabbi Yoseph and Chiena Zaltzman were sent by  the Rebbe to Toronto in December of 1980 to serve the Russian Jewish community of the GTA, then counting 1,000 families.

Rochele studied in seminary in Tzfat, Israel and later taught and counciled in the Beth Rivkah seminary in New York for another 3 years.

Rabbi Avrohom and Rochele met in 2017 and got married on the 25th of the month of Cheshvan, November 2017.

Launched December 2019, JRCC opened doors in Woodbridge. Rabbi Avrohom and his family are bringing the warmth and excitement of Judaism to hundreds of families in the area.

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